First 40 Days of Discipleship

Supplemental Quiet Time Packet For New Christians

12 Days of Knowing Jesus

Supplemental Quiet Time Packet To Get To Know Jesus

2024 Church Calendar

Plan for our upcoming events and meetings of the body.

SOPI Books

SoldOut Press International has the right topics so that you can deepen your studying and enhance your spiritual growth!

Parenting Workshop

Shepherding A Child’s Heart

By Tedd Tripp. PDF version.

Chapter 15 – Shepherding A Child’s Heart

Read Chapter 15 of Shepherding A Child’s Heart: Infancy to Childhood Training Procedures.

Family Devotionals

Here are some lessons and activities you can use for your own family devotionals.

Developmental Milestones

Reference material for your child’s developmental milestones.

Tips for Bible Journaling



Highlight a passage that stands out to you.


Who is talking? Who are they talking to? Look up definitions/Hebrew or Greek translations of words you don’t understand. How else can you explain the scripture in context?



Am I doing this? How can I improve? What are some practical things I can do to apply this to my life today?


How do I feel about this? What did I learn about myself? To get my heart and actions in line with the scriptures, what do I need to pray through, grow in, unlearn/learn, or repent of?

Tips for Bible Journaling



Highlight a passage that stands out to you.


Who is talking? Who are they talking to? Look up definitions/Hebrew or Greek translations of words you don’t understand. How else can you explain the scripture in context?



Am I doing this? How can I improve? What are some practical things I can do to apply this to my life today?


How do I feel about this? What did I learn about myself? To get my heart and actions in line with the scriptures, what do I need to pray through, grow in, unlearn/learn, or repent of?